Hollowness wasn’t there till I felt it today.

Unspoken conversations

Leap for a sip

DD Coffee

Metaphors : white etched object = self | contents = the life within

Equilibrium is positioning itself
Time has come
I’m ready to take a leap

Few more seconds to go
that is how it will look in the span of life.

Something will be visible, that is still unknown
I can see the light; can feel it coming
It will soon unblurr, the haze will go off!

It’s just out there, about to uncover and reveal itself
Here the nerves alert, i’m stationed for a leap

Gonna sip it, swirl it and relish it to the core
It’s gonna be the leap for a sip of life.

Wandering thoughts

Mind wanders with so many thoughts
Need to do so much
Need to achieve so much
Need to take an action

Yet, when is the question
but why is this a question

What that holds
Why it holds,
Does it even hold; or it’s a perception

Strings are real or a mirage
Will it ever be known
Does it need to be known

What it holds will be unknown till it’s known
When it’s known, will it be the real
No one knows and never will

Wandering in unknown, setting the path apart
Will it be a path, still needs to be explored

trip OVER

Deepika Dutta Kapoor_Dubai 2014Tripping over seemed like a drug
Hard was to drum it!

Sand advanced and late it was;
Gulping black, frolicking dopamine like mushrooms
Unknowingly concluding stock, yet wishing

Frolicking and cherishing through dreams;
Twilight allured than twinkling stars
Tripping over is still a drug!

Memoir Clock


Gift it! Decorate it! Keep it!

What you need:

  1. Old CD
  2. Battery for ticking clock
  3. Collection of your favorite pics
  4. Glue
  5. Paper Cutter/ Knife

I made this for my four year old nephew (the one in pic ) It’s pretty simple.

Step 1 – Select from your collection of pictures taken during parties, fun-time with family ‘n’ friends. Scale the picture to fit the CD template which can be downloaded from here http://www.superdups.com/support/templates/templates/cd_face_4c_thermal/cd-face-4C-thermal.jpg or you can do a simple google search.

Make sure the subject of your photograph isn’t in the ‘non-printable’ marking. This area will be sliced out for the clock arms to fit.

Step 2 – Take a printout.
Place the printout on the CD, apply glue and match the edges.
Reverse the CD and hard press it. Let it dry.

Step 3 – Crease the extra edges of printout around the CD edges, so that there is a marking. Take the paper cutter and follow the crease or CD edges for removing the extra paper.

Step 4 – Now create a hole in the center for the clock arm holder. Place the battery box behind and from the top position and fix the arms.

Ta-Da! your Memoir clock is ready to tick

Tips – Add a small hanger from hardware shop to hang the memoir on wall or simply use it to keep flat on a table. Use it as personalized custom made return gifts during weddings, baby shower, birthday parties or vacations.


Lady in Red


Fun without precision!

What you need:

  1. Smooth pebbles or Pistachio shells
  2. Colors – Red, Yellow, Black and White
  3. Brushes in different sizes
  4. Varnish
  5. A bit of fun-loving attitude 🙂

I played around with both palm sized pebbles and pistachio shells to create  lady bugs in various sizes.

Step 1 – First start by painting the pebbles in red with a thick brush and let them dry. It doesn’t take more than 5-7 mins. You can also add some Mod Podge or Fevicol in the color while mixing. I use very little water as the pebbles are porous in nature to absorb the water, you can even avoid it. Based on concentration apply 1-2 coats of color.

Step 2 – Identify the pebble side you wish to create the head, it needs to be narrow. Once the base red color dries, take black color for the Bug’s head and paint it. Create a line using black paint with a brush from tail till head. (You can draw with a pencil before directly doing with black paint).

Step 3 – Randomly put black paint dots on each side of  black line to create pattern. Let it dry.

Step 4 – Once head part is dry, take white paint and add dots for eyes and a semi curved line for a smile. For eyes you can also try pasting wiggle eyes.

Apply varnish when dry. For Bumble bee, you can use yellow as base color instead of red.

Happy Bugging!!


F3 – Food for Fingers


At times too much of technology gets on your nerves! I realized this when one of the evenings I spent less than an hour with clay. And instantly was transported to a place which had been a memory till now.

All the designers out there, leave the mouse and touchpad behind for a while, go ahead and exercise all your fingers!

What you need:

  1. Colorful soft clay
  2. Toothpick
  3. Love for shapes 🙂

Identify a theme – I tried playing around with fruit and vegetable shapes with my 3 year old nephew. No steps or defined process here. Just be creative and soft with your hands, while rolling, pressing and enjoy leaving impressions with your fingers on the clay.

Tip – Start from base shapes and then get going!



Dimensional Quote 3

“Someone’s happiness when gives happiness, is not a self-less act but a
self-full act.” 

– Deepika Dutta Kapoor

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